Simple Ways To Feel Happier Now Skip to main content

Simple Ways To Feel Happier Now

We all have our ups and downs in life. Some days are amazing, some are not so amazing and some are a messy combination of the two. Sometimes I wake up with the motivation to do anything. Other times I have to really force myself to be productive when all I wanna do is watch YouTube videos in my pajamas. I've learned though, that just like most things in life, it's really about balance. So go ahead and watch the YouTube videos. But maybe you watch something inspiring enough to make you get out of your pajamas and do something else for a while. Which brings me to my first tip on how to be happier right now 🤗:

  • Pay attention to what you watch/read/listen to.
Sometimes it feels good to watch other people who are going through similar struggles, or listen to sad songs when you're feeling blue. But, when you're ready to get back to that happy state of mind, choose something uplifting. Watch an inspiring documentary, listen to music that motivates, read something informative to better your life. Leeor Alexandra is a YouTuber I go to often to feel inspired and motivated.

  • Schedule things to look forward to.
Plan something fun each week for yourself. Like dinner with a friend, date night (my boyfriend and I just went to a free paint night at the library!), a movie night with your kids, thrift store shopping - whatever you like doing. Schedule these activities throughout the month so that when the monotony of your daily routine starts to get to you, you can look at your calendar and remember you have something to look forward to.

  • Look at the bigger picture.
There was probably a time in your life when you were less well off than you are now. Maybe the life you have now is something you've wanted and worked towards for a long time. Take a second to realize just how far you've come and be thankful. Sometimes we get so caught up in this crazy stressful life that we forget about all the things we have to be grateful for.

  •  Start each day with a positive affirmation.
This one is so, so simple. Before you even get out of bed in the morning, say something positive like, "Today is going to work out perfectly!" or "Today I choose happiness!". You can say it out loud or in your head. You can even repeat it throughout the day if you want. Just try to make it the first thing you do after waking up.

  • Make someone else happy.
Don't underestimate the power of paying someone a compliment or doing a good deed. Going out of your way to make someone else smile always feels good. So kill two birds with one stone and make someone's day while lifting your own spirits.

  • Accept the moment as it is.
When all else fails and you're still feeling like your ship is sinking, let it sink for a while. Just accept the bad feelings as they are without judgment. How would we be able to appreciate happiness without knowing what sadness feels like? Feelings aren't permanent. They change all the time. You'll find your way back to your happy place before you know it.

Comment with what works for you. Thanks for reading!


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